Description of Levels
This description of some of the new material introduced in each volume can assist you in selecting the appropriate level. Every book also includes material from previous levels.
To help you reinforce knowledge gained at that level, three practice tests conclude each volume.
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Preparatory Level:
Parts of the instrument
The staff
Note and rest values including quarter, half, and whole
Time signature 4/4
Pitches and finger numbers in 1st position, focusing on the upper strings
(1st and 3rd positions for double bass)
Half and whole steps
Steps and skips
Key signatures
Basic signs and terms
Ear training including melodic direction, basic rhythms, dynamics, and articulations
Level 1:
Eighth notes and rests
Pitches and finger numbers in 1st position, focusing on the lower strings
(1st and 3rd positions for double bass)
Half and whole steps in more depth
Time signatures 2/4 and 3/4
Key signatures up to 2 sharps
Signs and terms including basic tempo markings, dynamics, slurs, and ties
Ear training including steps and skips, crescendo and decrescendo
Level 2:
1st and 2nd endings
Sixteenth notes and rests
1st position including low 1/high 3 (violin/viola)
2nd position (cello)
2nd and half positions (double bass)
Intervals (2nds and 3rds)
Triads and arpeggios
Signs and terms including articulations (staccato, accent, fortepiano), tempo (fermata, ritard, a tempo, Allegro, Andante), and dynamics
Ear training including scales and triads
Level 3:
D.C. al Fine, D.S. al Fine
Dotted quarter and dotted half notes and rests
Expanded pitch range
Notes and finger numbers in 3rd position (violin/viola)
2nd and 4th position (cello)
2nd, half and 4th positions (bass)
Time signature 2/2
Intervals (2nds to octaves)
Major and minor triads
Key signatures up to 2 sharps and 2 flats
Order of sharps and flats
Signs and terms including bowstrokes and articulations (détaché, tenuto, sforzando), tempo (rallentando, accelerando, più mosso), ornaments (trill)
Ear training including intervals (2nd, 3rd, 5th, and octave)
Level 4:
Measure repeat
Note repeat
Dotted eighth notes and rests
Notes and finger numbers focus on notes above 1st position
Time signature 6/8
Perfect and major intervals up to an octave
Key signatures, scales, and triads up to 3 sharps and 3 flats
Circle of fifths
Relative minor keys
Minor scale forms
Signs and terms including bowstrokes (spiccato, marcato), tempo (Moderato, Adagio), ornaments (turn), music history, other terms
Ear training including intervals (4ths), major and minor scales and triads, and comparing two pitches
Level 5:
D.C. al Coda, D.S. al Coda
Dotted whole notes and rests
Upper register (violin)
Treble clef (viola)
Tenor clef (cello/bass)
Minor intervals
Key signatures in all major keys
Key signatures in minor keys up to 5 sharps or flats
Inverted triads
Chord function
Primary triads
Scale degrees
Tonic, subdominant, and dominant
Time signature 3/8
Signs and terms including bowstrokes (portato, louré), tempo (Presto, Vivace, Allegretto), ornaments (mordent, grace note, appoggiatura), other terms
Ear training including intervals (6ths and 7ths) and meter
Level 6:
Expanded pitch range for all instruments
Treble clef (cello/bass)
Diminished and augmented triads
Root position triads in minor keys (tonic and subdominant)
Root position cadences in major keys (authentic and plagal)
Time signature 9/8
Ornaments with accidentals
Signs and terms including bowstrokes (collé, martelé, sautillé), tempo (Largo, Lento, Andantino), and other terms (such as harmonic, loco, octava, simile, and more)
Two composers from each era of music history; double sharp and double flat
Level 7:
Thirty-second notes and dotted sixteenth notes
Key signatures in all major and minor keys
Augmented intervals
Inversions of major and minor triads using figured bass
Root position secondary triads in all major keys
Root position primary triads in all minor keys
Root position cadences in major keys (half)
Time signature 3/2
Signs and terms including bowstrokes (flautando, sul tasto, sul ponticello) and other terms
Three composers from each era of music history
Sections of a symphony orchestra
Level 8:
Thirty-second note triplets
Chromatic scales
Diminished intervals
Inversions of diminished and augmented triads using figured bass
Root position primary and secondary triads in all major and minor keys
Root position dominant seventh chord
Scale degrees in minor keys
Root position cadences in major keys (deceptive)
Characteristics of the Baroque and Classical eras of music history
Irregular meter (5/8, 5/4, and 7/8)
Expanded signs and terms for bowstrokes, tempo, and ornamentation (with nachschlag)
Ear training including all minor intervals
Level 9:
Sixty-fourth note
Double-dotted notes and rests
Inversions of primary and secondary triads in all major and minor keys using figured bass
Inversions of dominant seventh chords using figured bass
Other seventh chords in root position (major, minor, half-diminished, and diminished)
Complete a basic major chord progression such as I-IV-V7-I
Bass clef for violin and viola
Characteristics of the Romantic and 20th/21st Century eras of music history
Characteristics of Baroque suite movements
Signs and terms including bowstrokes (jeté, sautillé arpeggio) and other terms (hemiola, modulation, syncopation, artificial harmonic, sotto voce, and more)
Level 10:
Whole tone scales
Intervals larger than an octave
Inversions of all seventh chords using figured bass
Secondary dominant chords
Complete a basic minor chord progression such as i-iv-V7-i
Cadences in major and minor keys in inversions
Score reading
Characteristics of the Impressionism movement
Expanded signs and terms including bowings, form, and other terms
Ear training including all augmented and diminished intervals, and distinguishing between music of different eras.
Answer Key:
Answers to every question in the books (from Preparatory Level through Level 10) are in a single volume for each instrument. This enables teachers to quickly correct assignments during a lesson, or for a parent or student to correct the work.
“The books really helped me understand the different parts of music, and the meaning of all the symbols and words related to music. They are well organized and use acronyms to help with memorization of the material. I especially found that the quizzes at the end of each section and chapter were extremely helpful for remembering everything I had previously learned. These books helped me improve my theory skills tremendously and helped me retain all the information as well.”